How to update status of Active Task?

I have a requirement where i need to change the status of few active tasks.

Like changing the status of task from assigned to group by  accepted by a user.

is there any way i can do that?

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Parents Reply
  • Initial requirement was user needs to upload document for each assigned task.
    Later on they also want functionality to upload multiple doc for multiple task at a time.

    We have added selection to task grid so that user can select multiple task and click on it lets say bulk upload. Once user click on button we are capturing data from task report and will start new process where user can see data for all selected task. Here user can upload document for each different task.

    Here we have requirement is when user click on Bulk Upload button we need to change the status of selected tasks to accepted by logged in user so that other user of that group not able to see that task.

    Let me know if you have any queries.
