Export Data Entity To Excel - Custom Cell Positions & Values

Is there any example on how to use custom cell positions and custom cell values.

I would like to rename the excel output headings with spaces. Alias property is not allowing is there any way to achieve this?

When I try below values in positions and values it gives error

entity: cons!IC_DOP_CONS_entity
selection: a!querySelection({
a!queryColumn(field: "assignee",alias: "Inputter"),
a!queryColumn(field: "CaseNumber",alias: "Case_Number"),
filters: a!queryFilter(
field: "Id",
operator: "=",
value: ri!Id
customCellPositions: {"Inputter"},
customCellValues: {rule!IC_DOP_getUserFullName(inputter)},
onSuccess: a!save(
onError: a!save(
"Error Generating Excel File"

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  • Thanks for letting us know that it is not clear how to use cell positions and values. We will add an example to our documentation.

    In the meantime, here is a quick example:

    Say you want to add the date and the name of your report to your Excel file.

    You would start by specifying the cell where the data will be exported:

    Starting Cell: "A5"

    Then, you would output the "Exported On: " label on cell "A1", followed by today's date on cell "B1"; then you would output the "Report Name: " label on cell "A2" followed by the report name of your linking on cell "B2", in this case, I am using "Cases Open This Month".

    In order to do the above, you have to specify the cell positions in the "Custom Cell Positions" parameter, and their values in the "Custom Cell Values" parameter:

    Custom Cell Positions:  {"A1", "B1", "A2", "B2"}
    Custom Cell Values: ={"Exported On: ", today(), "Report Name: ", "Cases Open This Month"}

    Hope this helps.