Dynamic XML generation


What is the best practice to generate XML dynamically ?

The source data is in the database.

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  • What's the Use Case? What XML format (XSD Schema) does the data need to be structured as? What is going to be consuming this data?

    Note: if you can retrieve the data and cast it to Appjan CDT format you can then use fn!toxml()

  • Thank for your reply. Please find below details :

    Use Case : To generate XML dynamically from data in database.

    XML Format : Plese refere belw schema

    What is going to be consuming data : A variable which will be used to send this on MQ

    There is a parent child tags and few levels of casting . We have already tried using toXML() and it would need around 10-15 CDTs.

    Can we have another way to creae it?

    Below is the sample schema :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><BaExchReq xmlns:xc=""> 
    <Envelope> <TransactionRef>##</TransactionRef> 
     <AppHdr xmlns=""> 
     <Document xmlns="##"> 
          <Prtry> <Id>##</Id> </Prtry> 
          <GrssAmt Ccy="">##</GrssAmt>

  • It won't be elegant but you could assemble the message by providing a template of the message with a set of 'tokens' embedded in it that you want to be substituted with the values from your database. I don't know what the data looks like when you've retrieved it from the database but if you can coerce it into the format that I use in the following example this is how I would approach it:

    Here's the XML message as a template with just the first 3 data items set as tags:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><BaExchReq xmlns:xc=""> 
    <Envelope> <TransactionRef>###TransactionRef###</TransactionRef> 
     <AppHdr xmlns=""> 
     <Document xmlns="##"> 
          <Prtry> <Id>##</Id> </Prtry> 
          <GrssAmt Ccy="">##</GrssAmt>

    And here's the code that takes that template a substitutes the tags for the corresponding values:

      local!parameters: {
        {tag: "###TransactionRef###", value: "ABC123"},
        {tag: "###MsgId###", value: "123a4fc4g4aa1204"},
        {tag: "###CreationTime###", value: "28-08-2020 09:03"}

    fn!reduce() is a loop that starts with an initial value - the template - and, for a provided list, runs a function - in this case fn!substitute -  on that value and then takes the result and passes that to the next iteration of the provided function.

    fn!merge() takes a set of lists and makes a list of those lists - in this case, takes the list of tags and list of values and pairs them up.

    The underscore is a way of 'deferring' the actual value to be passed to run-time and maps the inputs to fn!substitute() to the items that follow in fn!reduce() in the order they appear.

    I know: it's not intuitive but it is effective.

    Note: I am assuming that the example you've provided to me is 'static' - that is, there are not any repeating elements, although the name 'MltplOrdrDtls' does suggest there may be repeating elements within it, which will be a different challenge.