Level 3 Credentials - Health check is not available

Certified Lead Developer

In Level 3 certification, below statement is there:

  1. Health Check Results -  If Health Check (HC) was not used, please provide other metrics and explain why HC was not executed.

What are other metrics, would you please elaborate?

In my environment health check is not done. So, what are other metrics which I can provide?

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    Certified Lead Developer

    How does your team know what's happening in and to the application?  If you wanted to know how many users there are, could you?  If you wanted to know how many logged in yesterday, could you?  Could anyone on your team furnish you with the memory size of the execution engines?  Is there anyone that could tell you Analytics02 is down?  How could they do that?

    What information does your team gather about the application?

    And like the prompt says, why wouldn't you use Health Check?