Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 7RA1FXBO] : An error occurred while executing a save: Could not cast from Number (Integer) to HRO_role. Details: CastInvalid

 I have two data type entities one is Hro_role and Hro_project  ,

in Hro_role which i used to store all roles ,in Hro_project    Hro_role  id is foreign key 


when im using to dropdown to get roles from role table im able to get and when im saving to hro_project im getting this error any one please suggest me 

items: {
item: a!dropdownFieldByIndex(
label: "Project Manager",
choiceLabels: {



"Appian Lead"

value: 1,
saveInto: ri!HRO_Project.roleid
width: "4X"
item: a!textField(
label: "M.I."
item: a!textField(
label: "Last Name"
width: "4X"

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