is there any way to display to single date field instead of month calender?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Honestly, there's a whole host of components that you could combine in ways that would all slightly alter the look and feel.  The added customizations to all the various layouts now mean you can really get something very close to exactly what you want by rolling your own.

    You could use card layouts, box layouts, a billboard layout with a side-by-side nested inside, side-by-side text inputs, columns layouts with 7 columns, all manner of richText, or a milestone with 7 items, any number of things to get the look and feel you want.

    For the contents of the headers, and options for the boxes underneath, consider the whole suite of dateTime functions available in the documentation.  Don't limit yourself to the Date input field; consider a custom picker, a text input, a simple integer input, or whether you could get a lot out of the type-ahead feature they just added to the dropdown component.  One thing to keep in mind is that as you limit the possible responses, you also limit the user's ability to do something wrong by accident, which is a VERY good thing.

    My strong advice is to explore all the various different ways to roll your own version of this interface that's exactly what you want.  If it turns out really good, sell the component template on the AppStore.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Honestly, there's a whole host of components that you could combine in ways that would all slightly alter the look and feel.  The added customizations to all the various layouts now mean you can really get something very close to exactly what you want by rolling your own.

    You could use card layouts, box layouts, a billboard layout with a side-by-side nested inside, side-by-side text inputs, columns layouts with 7 columns, all manner of richText, or a milestone with 7 items, any number of things to get the look and feel you want.

    For the contents of the headers, and options for the boxes underneath, consider the whole suite of dateTime functions available in the documentation.  Don't limit yourself to the Date input field; consider a custom picker, a text input, a simple integer input, or whether you could get a lot out of the type-ahead feature they just added to the dropdown component.  One thing to keep in mind is that as you limit the possible responses, you also limit the user's ability to do something wrong by accident, which is a VERY good thing.

    My strong advice is to explore all the various different ways to roll your own version of this interface that's exactly what you want.  If it turns out really good, sell the component template on the AppStore.

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