Download a file from a POST WebAPI call


We are currently passing in a folderId over a WebAPI call to Appian - from there we are using a!startProcess to run the Document Zipper smart service to zip the folder and output the resulting documentId.

Is there a way to allow the resulting zip document to be downloaded via the WebAPI call, or will I have to use some workaround like using an additional GET method to pull the document after using POST to run the smart service?


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  • As long as you are chaining all the way through your process model this could be potentially possible. Then, in the onsuccess parameter of a!startProcess you should return:

          headers: if(
              name: "Content-Disposition",
              value: concat(
                "attachment; filename=""",
                document(fv!processInfo.pv.documentId, "name"),
                document(fv!processInfo.pv.documentId, "extension"),
          body: todocument(fv!processInfo.pv.documentId)

    I have never done this and our API template creates the general download document requests as a GET but I think it is worth attempting. Otherwise, you will most likely need to make two calls.

  • Hi Danny, thanks for your reply!  My code almost perfectly mirrors yours (I modified the download document template).  I'll attach my code snippet, in case I am missing something; however I'm still getting the following error: "Not a valid Web API Response. Received: [;@2127ea54".

      /* We don't want to serve arbitrary documents because it could be a security risk */
      local!extensionWhitelist: {"zip"},
        processModel: cons!JSB_PM_SEND_DOCUMENT,
        processParameters: {folderId: http!request.formData.folderId},
        onSuccess: {
            * The path must be only 1 value, the document ID, and that ID must be a number.
            * Otherwise, we return a 404 Not Found
              not(contains(local!extensionWhitelist, document(fv!processInfo.pv.zippedDocument, "extension")))
              statusCode: 404,
              body: "404 Not Found",
              headers: {}
              * If the query parameter "attachment" is set to true,
              * set an HTTP header that tells the client that the body of the response
              * should be downloaded. This overrides the default content-disposition
              * of "inline; filename=<filename>.<extension>". We will automatically
              * set the content-type and length.
              headers: if(
                  name: "Content-Disposition",
                  value: concat(
                    "attachment; filename=""",
                    document(fv!processInfo.pv.zippedDocumentId, "name"),
                    document(fv!processInfo.pv.zippedDocumentId, "extension"),
              body: todocument(fv!processInfo.pv.zippedDocumentId)
        onError: a!httpResponse(
          statusCode: 500,
          body: "500 There was an error starting the process",
          headers: {}

  • My guess is we only allow downloading a document via a GET. You can verify this by trying to download a document via GET and if it works just change your call to a POST. Given the low-latency to call Appian, calling back to back requests shouldn't add too much overhead.

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