Confirmation link in Email

Certified Associate Developer

I have a need to add a confirmation link for the email recipient to be able to click to confirm information in the email.

Has anyone done something like this?

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    Appian Employee
    in reply to AllenP

    Since all requests to Appian must be authenticated this may not be possible. What you could look at doing, but I do not recommend, is creating a web API object which will make a Post call when clicked on. You can authenticate that web API by making an Appian service account which has very very restricted access to only the objects you need such as a specific data store, the web API object, and potentially any process models. Using you can construct a URL with the API key in the header but mask the URL so it isn't shown to the user in the email. I discourage this because you are essentially making an API key public but if the confirmation link doesn't need any authentication anyway then you shouldn't have security concerns if you set up object security correctly.