Foreach to save value

In DB i have table  with columns firstnam,emailid and lastname data, I want to show in Dropdown firstanam,lastname and after selecting dropdown value want to query same table to get emailid 

Step 1: get firstname and lastname to concate and store in array for dropdown purpose

local!user:if(isnull(local!selectedDept),{},union(apply(fn!concatenate, merge(local!fn, local!ls)),apply(fn!concatenate, merge(local!fn, local!ls)))),

Step 2: Show firstname and lastname to concate and store in array for dropdown purpose

label: "Assigned Name",
labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
placeHolder: "Select User",
items: local!user, --> FirstNam,LastName
expression: fv!item
items: local!user, --> FirstNam,LastName
expression: fv!item
value: local!selectedUser, --> FirstNam,LastName
saveInto: local!selectedUser,
required: true,
disabled: isnull(local!selectedDept)

Step3:  Using  local!selectedUser, to split firstname and lastname to get email id from same table using QueryRule.

Can anyone suggest best way to achieve above? any doubt in my query?

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    IMHO you're going about this all wrong.  You're doing 2 duplicated queries just to get the first names and the last names of the user selections; really you should do the users query *just once* and keep it in an array variable, then simply generate your dropdown ChoiceLabels based on the properties naturally contained in that array.  This is much simpler and much more flexible.

    Here is how I would re-write the above, with some of the original code included (and commented out) for comparison:

      /*local!fn: {*/
      /*local!ls: {*/
      /*local!user: if(*/
            /*merge(local!fn, local!ls)*/
            /*merge(local!fn, local!ls)*/
      local!selectedUser: null(),
      local!userSelections: if(
      local!selectedUserEmail: if(
        local!selectedUser.firstName & "." & local!selectedUser.lastName & "" /* or whatever your logic is */
        label: "Assigned Name",
        labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
        placeHolder: "Select User",
        choiceLabels: a!forEach(
          items: local!userSelections,
          expression: fv!item.firstName & " " & fv!item.lastName
        choiceValues: local!userSelections,
        value: local!selectedUser,
        saveInto: local!selectedUser,
        required: true,
        disabled: isnull(local!selectedDept)

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Deepak Shinde

    Great, thanks for the confirmation.

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