Upload Multiple doc and get all docs array ids in local or ri variables

Requirement: Sore uploaded docx ids array in DB column and get array to display uploaded list on UI.

1.Upload Multiple doc and get all docs array ids in local or ri variables, how to achieve? <-- 2.Is this correct approach to store multiple docx ids as array in DB column and retrieve from DB

Using Appian documentation i was able to download multiple document from an array of {docid1,docid2,docid3}

3.How to convert? from  Appian multi upload stores i.e. {fn!todocument(6645),fn!todocument(7570)}  to expected {6645,7570} <-- 4.How to store/retrieve this docid array in DB ? how to  design DB with integer array?

5.May be I am wrong in above approach please let me know best approach to achieve above?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I used above example but not getting array with Ids - Actually getting [documentid1-documentname1,documentid2-documentname2] format list.

    Expected output docIds only- [documentid1,documentid2]

    I was able to download multiple file using array DocArr:{docId1,docid2}

    items: {6645,7570},
    expression: a!linkField(
    label: "Link",
    labelPosition: "ABOVE",
    links: {
    label: document(
