Click on Grid


From the above pic need to click on dairy based on id 

Id is my input then have to find the corresponding dairy for given id and then click on that.

Is there any conditional command/method to satisfy above condition.

Thanks in advance,



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  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for response 

    My test case is we will input Load ID verify weather Load ID is present or not in the grid, if Load ID present we have click on diary element in that row  

    for example: if my Load ID present and it is at X row number 

    here my question is how we will find Load ID row number.

    from the above screenshot my Load ID is 100371 it is present on the 5th,row how should we find whether it is present at 1 row or 2 row or 3 row

    I think my question is clear for you now


    |verify link| Load id| is present|

    |click on link| Dairy|(it is clicking on first diary)

    |verify grid|[1]| column|[1]| row| [1]| with| Store arrived|




  • Is this for the FitNesse tool or something related?  You hadn't mentioned that and I didn't notice based on your initial post.  If so, that sort of detail should probably be included in your original post text as well as your subject line preferably, as FitNesse (etc) are a bit of a specialized subject matter around here.