Is there a way to filter odata with GUID?

I need to make a odata request with couple of filters. One is GUID. 
For all other data types like String/Text and Number/Integer is working good. But when I'm trying to use GUID as text/string, Im getting below error.

Error: A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.Guid' and 'Edm.String' for operator kind 'Equal'.

Form Appian, through ExpressionRule I need to construct api format in such a way that GUID should not be in text format.

http://XXXX/v2/Internal/editable/MarketSolutionRelLinks?$select=KeyMktplaceSolutionRelatedLink&$filter=((MktPlaceSolutionLinkTitle+eq+%27Title1%27)and(KeyPlatformService+eq+%27c64900aa-c912-4c52-bf3e-c1a0c77f8c4a%27))  --- Appian Constructed Format

http://XXXX/v2/Internal/editable/MarketSolutionRelLinks?$select=KeyMktplaceSolutionRelatedLink&$filter=((MktPlaceSolutionLinkTitle+eq+%27Title1%27)and(KeyPlatformService+eq+c64900aa-c912-4c52-bf3e-c1a0c77f8c4a)) ---- Expected Format

Can anyone let me know, how can I convert this string type data to GUID?

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