A!start process

In a!start process how do we call 2 user and 2 group type parameters from PM.

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  • Hi Radha,

    a!startProcess and a!startProcessLink, both of them accept params in form of a dictionary. You can just simply create a dictionary with the varibale names as keys and assign a value to it that you want to pass in that variable. 

    Example -

        user1: "benjamin.john",
        user2: "first.last",
        group1: cons!FIRST_GROUP,
        group2: cons!SECOND_GROUP

    Here, user1, user2, group1, group2 are the variable names and then I am passing some value that I want to assign to them. 


  • Hi Radha,

    a!startProcess and a!startProcessLink, both of them accept params in form of a dictionary. You can just simply create a dictionary with the varibale names as keys and assign a value to it that you want to pass in that variable. 

    Example -

        user1: "benjamin.john",
        user2: "first.last",
        group1: cons!FIRST_GROUP,
        group2: cons!SECOND_GROUP

    Here, user1, user2, group1, group2 are the variable names and then I am passing some value that I want to assign to them. 

