Selection inside gridField / UI Design

Certified Associate Developer

Who can please help with ideas on how to implement Selection inside gridField gridColumn? The Mockup of what I want to implement in a UI is attached. Thank you in advance.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I agree with most of the above answers, but I figured I'd chip in with my own take from a high-level perspective.  In a paging grid, depending on the complexity of the change you want to be able to make to a particular row, my favorite approach is often to make an icon-width column (usually on the far right) showing just an "edit" icon.  The user can click this, and the dynamic link captures certain data about that row (again, dependent on what change(s) you'd like to make) into local variable(s), and then a small section with editable field(s) can be set to appear right below the grid, where the user can make the needed change(s) and has i.e. "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.  I also like setting it such that if one row is being edited, the edit links for other rows become disabled temporarily, and perhaps even the icon for the row-being-edited can be changed to something else, just for visual aid to the user.

    There are other ways, of course - if it's just a simple status change, you could make clicking on the icon/link change data directly, though that's harder to validate and harder to undo if a user mis-clicks.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I agree with most of the above answers, but I figured I'd chip in with my own take from a high-level perspective.  In a paging grid, depending on the complexity of the change you want to be able to make to a particular row, my favorite approach is often to make an icon-width column (usually on the far right) showing just an "edit" icon.  The user can click this, and the dynamic link captures certain data about that row (again, dependent on what change(s) you'd like to make) into local variable(s), and then a small section with editable field(s) can be set to appear right below the grid, where the user can make the needed change(s) and has i.e. "Save" and "Cancel" buttons.  I also like setting it such that if one row is being edited, the edit links for other rows become disabled temporarily, and perhaps even the icon for the row-being-edited can be changed to something else, just for visual aid to the user.

    There are other ways, of course - if it's just a simple status change, you could make clicking on the icon/link change data directly, though that's harder to validate and harder to undo if a user mis-clicks.
