#SAIL Hi there, I'm having trouble to print some data


Hi there,

I'm having trouble to print some data on a Grid.

We are using the following structure on a CDT (which is also a database on MySQL):

          CDT2 (multiple)

When I use a rule to filter my CDT1 and find the CDT2 objects which correspond to it,
I cannot print the field1, field2 and field3, because an error appears saying
they're not list type.

I understanded that the grid text column just prints an array, and my array is the
CDT2, not the fields inside of it. I want to know how can I print the fields on the Grid,
putting them inside an array. Is there some way to do this ?

I have a foreign key of my CDT1 inside my CDT2, but it cannot be used with Appian Query Rules.

Here's a practical example of what I'm trying to do:

label: "Field1",
data: index(
field: "field1"

Thanks !




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  • If I understand your requirements, here is how I would handle it:
    1. Create a rule to create your form/report/dashboard/section, I will use a dashboard for this example.
                                  CDT1: rule!returnCDT1(pkId),
                                  CDT2: tr[1].CDT2,
                                  pageInfo: rule!APN_pagingInfo(
                                                                           startIndex: 1,
                                                                           batchSize: -1,
                                                                           sort: {field: "someFieldInCDT2", ascending: false}
    repPageInfo: rule!APN_generateRepeatedValueForArrayLength(CDT2,pageInfo),
                                  repEmpty: rule!APN_generateRepeatedValueForArrayLength(CDT2,""),

              )/*End Load*/
    The first variable 'CDT1' calls a query and returns cdt1.
    The second variable 'CDT2' retrieves all of the CDT2's found in CDT1.
    the other variables I created are just to pass to my second rule which will generate a grid to display the contents of CDT2.
    The apply statement loops over all of my CDT2's and returns a grid for each CDT2.
    Here is the rule I loop over in the apply() statement:
    ruleName is generateCDT2Grid with inputs of CDT2 type=Any, value type=Any, saveInto type=Any

                                                                                                         value:"No Records to Display.",
                                                      label:"" ,
                                                      columns: { rule!APN_uiGridTextColumn("Coumnn1","CDT2FieldName1",CDT2.column1,"LEFT"),
                                                      value: rule!APN_pagingInfoAll(),
                                                      saveInto: ri!saveInto,
                                                      totalCount: length(CDT2)
    hideWhenEmpty: true()

    This should generate what you are looking for if I understand your requirements correctly.
  • If I understand your requirements, here is how I would handle it:
    1. Create a rule to create your form/report/dashboard/section, I will use a dashboard for this example.
                                  CDT1: rule!returnCDT1(pkId),
                                  CDT2: tr[1].CDT2,
                                  pageInfo: rule!APN_pagingInfo(
                                                                           startIndex: 1,
                                                                           batchSize: -1,
                                                                           sort: {field: "someFieldInCDT2", ascending: false}
    repPageInfo: rule!APN_generateRepeatedValueForArrayLength(CDT2,pageInfo),
                                  repEmpty: rule!APN_generateRepeatedValueForArrayLength(CDT2,""),

              )/*End Load*/
    The first variable 'CDT1' calls a query and returns cdt1.
    The second variable 'CDT2' retrieves all of the CDT2's found in CDT1.
    the other variables I created are just to pass to my second rule which will generate a grid to display the contents of CDT2.
    The apply statement loops over all of my CDT2's and returns a grid for each CDT2.
    Here is the rule I loop over in the apply() statement:
    ruleName is generateCDT2Grid with inputs of CDT2 type=Any, value type=Any, saveInto type=Any

                                                                                                         value:"No Records to Display.",
                                                      label:"" ,
                                                      columns: { rule!APN_uiGridTextColumn("Coumnn1","CDT2FieldName1",CDT2.column1,"LEFT"),
                                                      value: rule!APN_pagingInfoAll(),
                                                      saveInto: ri!saveInto,
                                                      totalCount: length(CDT2)
    hideWhenEmpty: true()

    This should generate what you are looking for if I understand your requirements correctly.
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