Feature Request: Single-Line SAIL Commenting

A very helpful addition to SAIL programming would be single-line commenting. The current block commenting method creates hassles when commenting and uncommenting chunks of code for troubleshooting, or when nesting comments, should we follow best practice and document functionality with /* Dev Notes */.

We are currently unable to block-comment with single /* and */ around a section containing actual comments (nested), the first trailing */ ends the surrounding block comment early. This occurs when collapsing a large section spanning a few pages, and add these 2 lines around the collapsed section, which is sometimes easier than highlighting multiple pages for ctrl+/. Example:

  label: "Submitter Info",
  marginBelow: "STANDARD",
  contents: {
    /* Submitter Info */
      value: loggedInUser(),
      readOnly: true

Additionally, if you highlight a section containing comments, ctrl+/ to comment all, then ctrl+/ to uncomment all after troubleshooting, your actual comments are un-commented resulting in errors. Try with:

  label: "Submitter Info",
  marginBelow: "STANDARD",
  contents: {
     /* Submitter Info */
      value: loggedInUser(),
      readOnly: true

Due to this, I find myself utilizing code comments much less than I would like to. Ideally, I would build out comments during dev time, however this hinders my ability to troubleshoot and adjust as I build due to commenting/uncommenting sections when needed, so I tend to leave actual commenting to last, and often fall short on time to backfill all code comments for a project.

All would be alleviated by single-line commenting such as in other programming languages.

Java, Javascript, C, C++, C#: //
SQL: --
Python: #
Appian Properties File: ##

An example from SQL:

select 1
select 2

Ideally we would have capability such as:

  label: "Submitter Info",
  marginBelow: "STANDARD",
  contents: {
     // Submitter Info
     // We could block comment around these!
      value: loggedInUser(),
      readOnly: true

Thoughts/comments welcome! Would love to know if this is on the roadmap!

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