Documentation Changes for Icons / Stamps

Certified Associate Developer

Is this the correct format to raise a change request for the documentation?  In earlier versions, it was possible to see a complete list of all icons available for a!richTextIcon on a single page, this made finding the appropriate icon visually quite easy.  (See:

The newer style of documentation has taken the approach of nesting pages of icons making it impossible to find what you're looking for visually.  It's easy to use if you know the name of the icon you're looking for but for those of us who haven't memorized the naming scheme it becomes extremely tedious.

Who is going to click scroll through 22 pages of icons?  

The same documentaiton is referenced by the a!stampField() page.  While the preview window in the interface editor does show the icons, it is small, doesn't display many icons at once and is tedious to use when the icons are nested in loops.  In addition, this doesn't solve the problem of the documentation not acting as an effective reference for the component.

Does anyone else agree or am I just being pedantic?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    With the 21.3 update came a substantial increase in the number of Rich Text Icons available.  I don't exactly disagree with your nitpick here, however I would note that the "paged" approach in the documentation was not implemented right away, and instead the entire list loaded in a scrolling viewer pane - and it was quite slow to load (10 - 20 seconds, if memory serves me).  I assume the slowness in loading probably represented an equivalent level of additional load on the Appian Docs webservers, which they were forced to alleviate by implementing paging.

    Personally I would just prefer if the search functionality were more useful.  It's currently some sort of hybrid fuzzy search where your search term has to vaguely match the icon's name, though is some weirdness to it that I can't really figure out an explanation for.  Instead it would be nice if each icon could be accompanied by a set of keywords / synonyms / etc, and that the search would match any of these in addition to the proper icon name.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    With the 21.3 update came a substantial increase in the number of Rich Text Icons available.  I don't exactly disagree with your nitpick here, however I would note that the "paged" approach in the documentation was not implemented right away, and instead the entire list loaded in a scrolling viewer pane - and it was quite slow to load (10 - 20 seconds, if memory serves me).  I assume the slowness in loading probably represented an equivalent level of additional load on the Appian Docs webservers, which they were forced to alleviate by implementing paging.

    Personally I would just prefer if the search functionality were more useful.  It's currently some sort of hybrid fuzzy search where your search term has to vaguely match the icon's name, though is some weirdness to it that I can't really figure out an explanation for.  Instead it would be nice if each icon could be accompanied by a set of keywords / synonyms / etc, and that the search would match any of these in addition to the proper icon name.
