Is there any way to make a kind of notWhereContains from a list ?

Certified Senior Developer


If I need to get the vehicles Data where ID in {1,2,3}, I can do this :

	    {1, 2, 3}, 

But is there any way to do the same thing with a negation (a kind of notWhereContains) ? I mean I need to get the vehicles data where ID not in {1, 2, 3}.

Of course, I can then use a foreach to get the correct data, or create an exclusion list items, to apply the whereContains on the latter,

but is there any other way to do it with a single simple instruction ?

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to cedric01

    My overall suggestion is that if you find yourself using such functionality often, encapsulate it in an expression rule where you decide what the input(s) and output are, then come up with the expression code afterwards (in which you could try different things or potentially change it in the future to something more efficient as new functions become available).  I have lots of "quasi black-box" expression helper rules like this set up in my systems, and it takes a lot of the guesswork out of things.
