how to pass process multiple process model in if condition...

I have a question... am using reusable rule, in that rule... 

date need to be editable for some set of process model and not editable for some set of process models... 

how can i write code for it? is it possible with IF condition? if so can anyone let me know 



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  • So the value will go into a CDT. Is it a user entered value or is it something like "Deadline date + 60 days" or "Today + 60 days"? What decides this date?

  • those all are not in my requirements as of now, just datefield need to be editable for some process models and non editable for some process models. bcz using same interface in multiple places 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to KM

    hi kavyamutter,
    but there is in general a deeper reason. Why should this field editable? why not? Whats the effect if I insert a date there?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to KM

    I echo other commentors' feedback here so far in that it seems like you need a better foundation of requirements before really implementing something large-scale here (or else you risk doing a lot of setup that you need to re-do later when your requirements become better realized).

    However, to provide a "simple" answer to your question: your interface can be given a new rule input, i.e. "isAdminExtDateEditable" (boolean).  In the process model node configuration where the interface is used, you would pass a literal value of "true" into that rule input for process models in which it should be editable, and "false" where it should be treated as read-only.  You would then use the value of the rule input to determine the "readOnly" parameter for that field.

  • Mike has put into words the reason I was asking so many questions. There is no "that is not my requirement" when it comes to developing. The skill in coding isn't the literal coding, it's knowing what tool to implement in a particular scenario and what is at the heart of what you're trying to resolve.

    Without contextual information and knowing the true purpose of a piece of functionality any solution is just guessing and what lies in the future is poor user experience and refactoring.

    We also aren't trying not to be helpful. You have asked quite a high level question and as there isn't specific details we're left guessing which solution of at least 10 different options we should tell you. If you asked a much more targeted question we'd be happy to answer specifically.