Tab View for Navigation through Steps

Certified Associate Developer

Hi Team,

We need to show four tabs in our site's homepage and all the tabs are different interfaces which are interlinked.

The first tab/page is a action whose context is a process model with a startform. How should i configure it in the 1st tab page. Below is my code for tabs UI:

So here I am trying to call the process model for first page with a!startProcessLink but i is not working. Can anyone please suggest what should be done here?


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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    There is not submit button as such. Goal is to let user toggle between tabs and perform the individual actions in each tab. So for the first tab we have an interface wherein user can search for a particular item and view those in a grid beneath that. the grid details are coming from an API. 

    So once the user has seen the grid results they can move onto next tab. In order to let user do so we have used a start process form in the model and then letting the user create a request which hits the API, fetches the result and display in the grid.

    Hence my ask is how should i configure this model into a interface with tabs where this model with startform will behave as the first page for the user.

    Hope, am able to explain my query to you.


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to ananditab0003

    I think I understand, but again, you can not display the start form of a process inside another interface.

    This seems to be a pretty complex interface and without seeing it, it is difficult to give you advice.

    You could try to call the API as the user clicks the next tab. Then the data is available. And this should not require any process model. You would just call the integration and store the result in a local.