What kind of data that a business interests in from the processes defined in App

What kind of data that a business interests in from the processes defined in Appian with respect to archival and to generate historical reports? BAM reports are useful but they are limited to certain period of time. ...



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  • If your question is with respect to how long a process show be in memory before it's archived, then I would direct you to have this conversation with the business owners on how long they want to report on the data. As a general rule of thubm, the idea is to archive the process as early as possible once the process is complete. If you want trend or BI like reports, your design should consider storing the data into a relational database and reporting based on it.
  • If your question is with respect to how long a process show be in memory before it's archived, then I would direct you to have this conversation with the business owners on how long they want to report on the data. As a general rule of thubm, the idea is to archive the process as early as possible once the process is complete. If you want trend or BI like reports, your design should consider storing the data into a relational database and reporting based on it.
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