Write to data Store taking more time

Hello all,

We have set up new environments and write to data store in to a table having PK and 4 columns it self takes 1.34 second which seems to be too high .

Issue we are facing with the other nodes which is inserting more data and time is at higher end which is impacting the perfomance and response time of the process.

Is there any possibilty to update some configuration or setting at server side so that write to data store takes lesser time ? Usually write to data store should not take time in seconds to just insert 4 columns .

Any pointer will be helpful .

We have on-premises env whihc is newly setup .

Thanks in advance,


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Parents Reply
  • Is it normal for a node execution to be 1 second? because we have a large workflow and it takes around min to complete without user interaction and most of node which uses database operation taking more than one min and also one smart service for starting dynamic process.

    Can you guide me on which area we need to work to make it faster, and is there any performance hack to make start process faster?

    Your help will be very useful to us as i am new to Appian. 
