Updating user profile picture in Appian

Hello Community,

I am working on a form where employees enter all their basic details and also upload a profile picture of them. These employees already have an Appian user account.

My requirement is to update the profile pic document ID in a database table and also update that particular user's profile picture in Appian.

Since Update User Profile Smart Service doesn't have the option to update the profile picture of an user, I searched in App market and came across a third party plugin named "User Profile Picture Utilities" but it is not working as expected. When added it to process model, it runs fine without any error but the profile picture of the user is not updated.

Is there any other way to change the Profile picture of Appian user account other than smart services?

Also, I would like to know if there is an option to disable the Profile section for users (Please refer to the attached image)?

Thanks in Advance!

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to eduardoh0002

    Laurens was presumably referring to building a complete replacement for the built-in profile pictures, where you manually store a document which you can then manually associate with a username (like in your "users" table, which would also need to be manually implemented, but most systems DO implement such a table already for their active users).

    As noted, this method would completely bypass the built-in user profile picture functionality (which you'd then want to disable).  For most use cases this will be more extra work than is worthwhile.