Send email smart service

I have a multi selection checkbox, so if i select any of the options in that checkbox then only that mail has to be sent to a group of users outside appian and also i want to link a record in the mail body can anyone please help how to achive this.

Thanks in advance .....

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    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Mh,

    • First you need to save multi selection values in one of your process variable (Assume the pv is selectedMultiselectionValues)
    • After saving the multi selection values in process variable, in process model add XOR condition to check whether the selection value is empty or not
    • If the selection values are not empty, then add send email node after XOR, if selection values are empty configure you flow to other path (may be terminate node)
    • configure your email node with following values (Email node only triggers if selection values are not empty)
      • Configure email recipients (you mentioned those users are out side of Appian)
        • If users are out side Appian use list of  email address (as those users are not exist in Appian)
        • If those users are inside Appian and those users are in specific group, use that group to send that email notification (Use a constant to call that group)
      • Important Note: If those email recipients don't have an Appian account they wont be able to access that record (since you are planning to include record link in email body) because those users don't have access to Appian. Consider this if your are planning to send email notification outside Appian user and expecting those user will view this record.
    • Configure your Email Subject
    • Configure your Email Body using expression editor or create an expression rule for email body and call that rule here 
      •  When you configuring email body use the following function to get your specific record link 
        • urlforrecord(
                recordType: your record (ex: recordType!Employee,
                 recordIds: your record id (ex: 1)
      • Use HTML link to call your record link url
        • concat(
          "<a href=",

    I hope this will help.

  • Hi Naresh, 

    First of all Thank you soo much i will definitely give it a try. I just had one more question,

    Can we use more than two conditions in one "XOR", or we have to use two instead of using one.

    My requirement is like.,

    If I submit the page it should validate whether the multi-selection is selected or not if not it should proceed to next node(i.e.., Script task) if yes then it should go to "SEND EMAIL" node, If cancelled then it should proceed to end node.

    Can you also tell me how to write the condition to select the pv for multi-selection in "XOR" gateway


  • Hi Naresh, 

    First of all Thank you soo much i will definitely give it a try. I just had one more question,

    Can we use more than two conditions in one "XOR", or we have to use two instead of using one.

    My requirement is like.,

    If I submit the page it should validate whether the multi-selection is selected or not if not it should proceed to next node(i.e.., Script task) if yes then it should go to "SEND EMAIL" node, If cancelled then it should proceed to end node.

    Can you also tell me how to write the condition to select the pv for multi-selection in "XOR" gateway

