Link in Read only Grid


I want to display the Link on read only grid and once i click on that link then a pop up kind window should open where i can see another read only grid with column name, address, age and download link to download these details. Can someone help.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What I'd usually do for this (considering various design decisions based on details you haven't given here), would be to provide a link on the initial grid, which when clicked, opens up an optional section / box layout / card (per your preference and space considerations) below the original grid, containing the additional details you'd like to see.  Inside that new component could be a "close" link which causes the interface to return to the original state and allow the user to select a different row from the original grid if they like.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What I'd usually do for this (considering various design decisions based on details you haven't given here), would be to provide a link on the initial grid, which when clicked, opens up an optional section / box layout / card (per your preference and space considerations) below the original grid, containing the additional details you'd like to see.  Inside that new component could be a "close" link which causes the interface to return to the original state and allow the user to select a different row from the original grid if they like.
