Remove Filter on click of cancel button

I have an interface (say A) where am filtering data then clicking on ID am going to interface(say B) where i perform some activities like edit. Upon click of submit/Cancel i am returning back to Interface A.

When I return back to interface A then all the filters that i had applied(previously on interface A) should be removed. How to Achieve this

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Som

          label: "filter",
          value: local!filter,
          saveInto: local!filter
          label: "Read-only Grid",
          labelPosition: "ABOVE",
          data: index(
            rule!SOM_qe_getLookUpData(lookupIdPk_int: local!filter),
          columns: {
              label: "de",
              value: fv!row.lookupCategoryIdFk_int
          validations: {}
          buttons: {
              label: "SUBMIT",
              saveInto: { a!save(local!filter, null()) }

    May be this above code will help you.

    You just have to pass the filter value to the "local!filter" and while the submission, save null() to local!filter.

    I hope this will help you.