Selectable rows in tree grid

Certified Associate Developer


I'm trying to implement a tree grid using the gridlayout() component in an Interface. I've been able to make it hierarchical (Once you click on a row, new subrows appear just under it) with loops and local variables to show or hide those subrows

I now need to make the rows selectable on the grid, but I specifically also want that if I click a row, its subrows get automatically selected as well

To give a little more of context, imagine a dictionary of 6 keys where every key defines a level in the tree grid. First all distinct values for the first key appear, and when clicking in one of them, all distinct values for the second key of elements that have that clicked value on the first key appear.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    It should be enough to add a saveInto() to add the IDs of the subrows to the selected items. Do you have any code snippets?

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    rows: {
            contents: {
                value:a!richTextItem("FundHouse Name","STRONG")),
              a!richTextDisplayField(value: ""),
              a!richTextDisplayField(value: "")
            rule!PM_FilterTreeGridAPI(local!revenues, "sFundHouseName"),
                local!show2: false,
                local!value: fv!item,
                    contents: {
                        value: a!richTextItem(
                          text: if(
                            concat(char(9), "- ", fv!item),
                            concat(char(9), "+ ", fv!item)
                          link: a!dynamicLink(
                            saveInto: a!save(local!show2, not(local!show2))
                      a!richTextDisplayField(value: ""),
                      a!richTextDisplayField(value: "")
                    showWhen: local!show2,
                    contents:{a!richTextDisplayField(value:a!richTextItem(concat(char(9),"Distributor Name"),"STRONG")),
                      rule!PM_FilterTreeGridfran(local!revenues, { local!value }),

    My code looks like that (I stopped in local variables since there I repeat the process until I finish with the 6th key). To that I would need to add that "hierarchical select" I'm looking for. How would your structure be added to that?

  • I assume that you use the OOTB selection feature of the grid. Each row has a unique ID, adding this ID to the selectionValue parameter of the grid will make these rows selected.

    Now, with some logic in the selectionSaveInto, you should be able to add all sub-rows on selection of a parent row.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle


    I've assigned an unique id to every row in the grid ("(Value in first key)-(Value in second key)-..."). I've also made a "Begin with" rule to find all elements in an array that start with a particular string. Is there any way to get all the ids of the grid rows? Or is there another way to approach the situation to make the "hierarchical selection" possible?

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