I have the following code that has a rule(rule!PSA_PSAAssignmentsPSACountBtwTim

I have the following code that has a rule(rule!PSA_PSAAssignmentsPSACountBtwTimeFrame) in the beginning that gives me all the items that were created between the ri!start and ri!end dates. And I have a local!dates input that has date values of all those items like 3/1/2013, 3/1/2013, 4/1/2014,...etc which means that 2 items where created on 3/1/2013 and 1 item was created on 4/1/2014. I am providing the code below:


local!count: 0 ,

local!list: rule!PSA_PSAAssignmentsPSACountBtwTimeFrame(cons!PSA_MILESTONE_TYPES[1],ri!start,ri!end),

local!months: tointeger(apply(fn!month,local!list.Milestone_Date)),
local!years: tointeger(apply(fn!year, local!list.Milestone_Date)),
local!days: tointeger(apply(fn!day, local!list.Milestone_Date)),

local!dates: apply(fn!date, merge(local!years, local!months, local!days)),

local!monthList: apply(fn!month, local!dates),
local!yearList: apply(fn!year, local!dates),

local!yearIndices: makerange(count...



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  • Try this,

    Step 1) Retrieve month/year concatenated
    step 2)Get unique entries
    Step 3) Count occurrences of unique entries.
    Finally, I formatted it to output the display you listed, but just take the inner apply to get the data

    monthYears:datetext(local!list.Milestone_Date,"MMM YYYY"),

    apply(concat(_,": ",_),merge(uniqueDates,apply(fn!count,merge(apply(wherecontains(_,monthYears),uniqueDates)))))
  • Try this,

    Step 1) Retrieve month/year concatenated
    step 2)Get unique entries
    Step 3) Count occurrences of unique entries.
    Finally, I formatted it to output the display you listed, but just take the inner apply to get the data

    monthYears:datetext(local!list.Milestone_Date,"MMM YYYY"),

    apply(concat(_,": ",_),merge(uniqueDates,apply(fn!count,merge(apply(wherecontains(_,monthYears),uniqueDates)))))
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