Regarding row-level auditing and field-level auditing

I need some information regarding row-level auditing and field-level auditing in the cloud database.

mainly i need more info on field- level auditing, i have been searching for that from the past one day, i didn't get any syntactically correct SQL code using triggers.

you can suggest me a video / blog / website.

Thanks in Advance.

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  • Hi Mohan - I try to consider the big picture here. What is the actual business requirement? Who needs to be able to see the audit data? What should it contain? How long does it need to be kept for? Do they need to see a full "before and after" view of every change? Or only certain changes? Do you need a full history, or just details on who and when the last change was made? There's way more to this than just the one narrow technical option being asked here. 

  • Thanks for the Reply,

    I got the articles related to it, and also I had completed that one.

    Let me example you with an example,

     Here, in my case, I have a customer table.

    Row-Level Auditing: If the name of the customer is updated, then that entire record should be audited in customer_rowAudit table.

    Field-Level Auditing: If the name of customer is updated, then that field should be audited in cutomer_fieldAudit table with previous value, field name, updated value and customer ID.

  • Thanks for the Reply,

    I got the articles related to it, and also I had completed that one.

    Let me example you with an example,

     Here, in my case, I have a customer table.

    Row-Level Auditing: If the name of the customer is updated, then that entire record should be audited in customer_rowAudit table.

    Field-Level Auditing: If the name of customer is updated, then that field should be audited in cutomer_fieldAudit table with previous value, field name, updated value and customer ID.
