Stuck and looking for suggestions... I'm attempting to append a s

Stuck and looking for suggestions...

I'm attempting to append a string of text, received via a web service, into a multi denominational field within a CDT. And then to display that information into a Grid on a SAIL form.

I'm trying to use the code below but does not work. According to the 'apply' function, the second parameter needs to be a list and doesn't work as an array. Does anyone know how to get data from either a delimited string or array into a 'List'?

CDT = Order
Field = Order.item
Field = Order.qty

WSItem = "Pen, Pincle"
WSqyt = "5,10"

apply(rule!writeToCDT, split(WSitem, ",") <== didn't work
apply(rule!writeToCDT, WSitem ) <== also didn't work

append(pv!Order.item, passedInItem)...



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