How to update CDTs dynamically

Use case-

User wants to upload data via Excel where Columns of excel are not static and can be changed frequently.

Now with static template, it can consume and validate the data and loads the table via Data store / CDT into table. But if Excel template is not static then what could be the best solution via Appian?

Altering the Table can be done via Stored proc etc but what about CDT and verification process. 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    The thing is: What is the purpose if a dynamic excel file?
    If two systems are communicating, you usually agree on a certain set of values which will be delivered in certain way and the type of reaction you can expect. so its predictable behavior. 
    A web-api will accept a certain method like "get" and will respond to the input fields x,y,z, with the values a,b,c in the format of JSON.
     its clearly defined the value type and the format for the input and outputs fields. 

    So transferring this concept to your case,
    you are are expecting a kind of dynamic number of acceptable input values in the format of en excel-file
    and the receiving system reacting dynamically to it.
    That is not how "inter system" communication is working :) 
    Stefan is absolutely right. That is not a requirement you should follow up on. Besides if its perhaps working one day with the available appian tools.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    The thing is: What is the purpose if a dynamic excel file?
    If two systems are communicating, you usually agree on a certain set of values which will be delivered in certain way and the type of reaction you can expect. so its predictable behavior. 
    A web-api will accept a certain method like "get" and will respond to the input fields x,y,z, with the values a,b,c in the format of JSON.
     its clearly defined the value type and the format for the input and outputs fields. 

    So transferring this concept to your case,
    you are are expecting a kind of dynamic number of acceptable input values in the format of en excel-file
    and the receiving system reacting dynamically to it.
    That is not how "inter system" communication is working :) 
    Stefan is absolutely right. That is not a requirement you should follow up on. Besides if its perhaps working one day with the available appian tools.
