interface making

Certified Associate Developer

CAn any one tell how can I do the following in Interface,

1. I want a multiple selection option on a grid, having submit,cancel button on the bottom.

2. Another grid below the above one to get the data populated in this grid based on selection made on above grid after clicking submit button.

'Please help me, i am new please provide detail solution I would very helpfull.

Thank you for understanding

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I suggest to work through the Academy trainings and tutorials to learn the basic steps. Once done, you will understand how Appian works. We are happy to support you with more specific questions then.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to rahuls0029

    To achieve this, you should understand the below concepts 

    1. Layouts. 
    2. Setting up a grid with selections
    3. Understanding how a!save() works. 

    If you have gone through the course, then I assume you are comfortable with how components are configured on an interface. Using the same knowledge, try to explore the configurations as shown in the above pictures. Use the help of extensive documentation that Appian has created. 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    you can save your selection index of first grid into a local variable along with entire row value. and after that use the new local variable to show it into the next grid.

          label: "",
          labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
          value: {
              text: "Performance Review Portal"
          label: "Employee Directory",
          data: todatasubset(
              a!map(id: 11, name: "Elizabeth Ward",  dept: "Engineering",     role: "Senior Engineer",       team: "Front-End Components",     pto: 15, startDate: today()-500),
              a!map(id: 22, name: "Michael Johnson", dept: "Finance",         role: "Payroll Manager",       team: "Accounts Payable",         pto: 2,  startDate: today()-100),
              a!map(id: 33, name: "John Smith",      dept: "Engineering",     role: "Quality Engineer",      team: "User Acceptance Testing",  pto: 5,  startDate: today()-1000),
              a!map(id: 44, name: "Diana Hellstrom", dept: "Engineering",     role: "UX Designer",           team: "User Experience",          pto: 49, startDate: today()-1200),
              a!map(id: 55, name: "Francois Morin",  dept: "Sales",           role: "Account Executive",     team: "Commercial North America", pto: 15, startDate: today()-700),
              a!map(id: 66, name: "Maya Kapoor",     dept: "Sales",           role: "Regional Director",     team: "Front-End Components",     pto: 15, startDate: today()-1400),
              a!map(id: 77, name: "Anthony Wu",      dept: "Human Resources", role: "Benefits Coordinator",  team: "Accounts Payable",         pto: 2,  startDate: today()-300)
          columns: {
              label: "Name",
              sortField: "name",
              value: fv!
              label: "Department",
              sortField: "dept",
              value: fv!row.dept
              label: "Start Date",
              sortField: "startDate",
              value: fv!row.startDate,
              align: "END"
          pageSize: 3,
          selectable: true,
          selectionValue: local!selection,
          selectionSaveInto: {
            a!save(local!selectedEmployees, append(local!selectedEmployees, fv!selectedRows)),
            a!save(local!selectedEmployees, difference(local!selectedEmployees, fv!deselectedRows))
          pageSize: 2,
          data: local!selectedEmployees,
          showWhen: not(a!isNullOrEmpty(local!selectedEmployees)),
          columns: {
              label: "Name",
              sortField: "name",
              value: fv!
              label: "Department",
              sortField: "dept",
              value: fv!row.dept
              label: "Start Date",
              sortField: "startDate",
              value: fv!row.startDate,
              align: "END"