knowledge Center

Certified Lead Developer

Hi All, 

I have requirement to fetch/list all knowledge centers for all the application available on server. I have uuid of all the application, need to get knowledge center. Please guide how this can be achieved.


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  • Another (not foolproof but pretty straightforward) method to list your KCs is to navigate to the 'All Objects' view in Designer, select 'Folder' and then search using 'KC'. What this won't tell you (without some additional effort) is what Application(s) a KC is associated with or even if that KC is being used in anger. 

    What's the requirement behind the requirement? Why do you need to know and what are you going to do with the information once you've derived it?

  • Another (not foolproof but pretty straightforward) method to list your KCs is to navigate to the 'All Objects' view in Designer, select 'Folder' and then search using 'KC'. What this won't tell you (without some additional effort) is what Application(s) a KC is associated with or even if that KC is being used in anger. 

    What's the requirement behind the requirement? Why do you need to know and what are you going to do with the information once you've derived it?

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