Multiple Form

Hi My question is 

i need a form to fill the details like below, for this requirement i am thinking to go with the form layout will be fine or any other methods i can go with? 

after filling these details if user wants to add one/more contracts he should get the same form below one after the other is that functionality is possible in forml ayout ?

let me know if any suggestions 

Contract No.
How many times [number validation]
Total No of Days previously extended (A) [number validation]
Current Extension Request:  
Contract Limit [aed validation]
Value of Full Contract - Outstanding  [aed validation]
Value of Extension sought [aed validation]
Capital Amount  [aed validation]
Interest Amount  [aed validation]
Current Maturity Date of Payment being extended  date validation
Number of days extension sought (B) number validation
New Extended Maturity Date  date validation
Total Number of days (A+B) calculation
Is interest to be recovered ? Y/N
Account to be charged with interest  Number validation 
Is the contract current Past Due  Y / N
If Y how many days past due?  
Add new contract no   
Please attach copy of Customer Request  [doc attach]

button to add more forms 

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Parents Reply Children
  • +1
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to KM

    Oh Okay, Then Yes

      local!data: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}Account'(),
        contents: {
            items: local!data,
            expression: {
                label: "Account ID "&fv!index,
                value: fv!item.AccountID,
                saveInto: fv!item.AccountID
                label: "Account Name "&fv!index,
                value: fv!item.AccountName,
                saveInto: fv!item.AccountName
            links: a!dynamicLink(
              label: "Add more",
              saveInto: {

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to KM

    In this case, the grid will be much more user-friendly as they were created for this exact purpose. You can also use the "Tab" key on your keyboard to switch between columns.