Functionality to store values across session for every user

Hello all,

Is there a function or process within Appian to store and specific value for every user? (Similar to session variables in.Net,)

the use case is: We have a dropdown with general values in our main page, so depend on the value selected all the subsequent pages needs to take care of that value. We want to store that value selected for every user in his own session.

I did some research to use constant, but for this we need to create constant in sail code (in appian it's no possible, only update), it's not a good approach. Another thing that we discuss was to pass the value as a rule input in every object (interfaces, query rules, Process Models, etc) not sure if its a good approach since the user can go directly to other pages (saved as bookmark) even if no value is selected, but it's a must for our app.

Another approach that we are thinking it's storing the value in a "customfield 1" but the function doesn't work "a!updateUserProfile()".

Thanks in advance.

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  • I've steered away from using the customfield attributes in the User Object as a) you cannot rename the attribute and, unless you're very careful to document what the attribute is being used for it can hard for other developers to understand its purpose and b) it's of type text which means you again have to manage its data type outside of the object itself and be very careful how it is used.

    My preference is to "virtually extend" the User object into a database table where you can strongly type the additional attributes and can give them meaningful names. Think of the database table being in a conceptual 1:1 relationship with the User object, with the UserId in the table acting a Foreign Key to the User object. An additional advantage here is that you're not limited to the 10 customFields that the User Object has.

  • I've steered away from using the customfield attributes in the User Object as a) you cannot rename the attribute and, unless you're very careful to document what the attribute is being used for it can hard for other developers to understand its purpose and b) it's of type text which means you again have to manage its data type outside of the object itself and be very careful how it is used.

    My preference is to "virtually extend" the User object into a database table where you can strongly type the additional attributes and can give them meaningful names. Think of the database table being in a conceptual 1:1 relationship with the User object, with the UserId in the table acting a Foreign Key to the User object. An additional advantage here is that you're not limited to the 10 customFields that the User Object has.
