Deploying with without old datastore

Certified Senior Developer

I have an application has a lot of objects I don't want to import.

Most notably it has a data store which taking it will result in a massive amount of extra data types and baggage.

All I care about is a process model I have copied.  All of its dependents have been brought in to a new application I am using to package up and import.

I am getting some cascading and normal errors that seem to stem from me being unable to import the datastore.  What can I do to decouple this datastore from my application for importing?

I already created a new datastore in my environment I am trying to move export it to and created any constants there that pointed to the data store entities inside it in the old application.

In summary what do you do if you want to bring in portion of an app but don't want to bring in the data store entity it had?

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