I have a question regarding sail. I have a textfield that looks like this:

I have a question regarding sail. I have a textfield that looks like this:

                    value: if(rule!COMMON_IsNullOrEmpty(ri!selectedLocationId), ri!companyLocation.CityName, local!companyLocation.CityName,

if ri!selectedLocaitonId is not null then get the value from local!companyLocation.CityName which is getting its value from a query rule. So whenever ri!selectedLocationId is not null I am not able to edit the populated value in this textField brought by local!companyLocation.CityName. So I would like to know how I can edit this textfield when ri!selectedLocationId is not null and ri!companyLocation.CityName is a rule input that's being mapped all the way into the process.So my question is how would I be able to edit this textfield and save that edited value....



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  • You can put the if logic in your local! variable when you initially declare it. As for saving the value back into a rule input, I don't think that is possible, so I changed it to save into the local! variable.

    local!companyLocation:if(<condition>, ri!companyLocation, "default value"),
                         value: local!companyLocation,