Service manager password for a distributed installation

Hello Team,

Please, can you confirm if the service_manager.conf file generated in one server will be copied across other server nodes in a load balance setup as highlighted here -->

The documentation states : As part of a distributed installation, it is a requirement to copy the service_manager.conf file located in /services/conf/ across all machines in the distributed environment, for it is necessary

to enable authorized connections to the service manager and the engines across machines.

Since running the password script will generate unique password for each server;

will a service_manager.conf file generated on one server work for other servers in the load balance setup?

Also, will I run the password script on all servers in the load balance setup? Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.


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  • Hi,

    You want to do this using the Configure Script and its repo.

    After generating this file on one server, you should copy it into the Configure Script's repo (which in a HA set up should be on the file share) under <REPO_HOME>/services/conf/service_manager.conf.ENV (where ENV is your environment's prefix). Then later when ready to deploy your configuration from the repo (which will include other conf such as, the topology file etc), you will redeploy the same configuration using the Configure Script and the shared repo to every server in your cluster.



  • Hi,

    You want to do this using the Configure Script and its repo.

    After generating this file on one server, you should copy it into the Configure Script's repo (which in a HA set up should be on the file share) under <REPO_HOME>/services/conf/service_manager.conf.ENV (where ENV is your environment's prefix). Then later when ready to deploy your configuration from the repo (which will include other conf such as, the topology file etc), you will redeploy the same configuration using the Configure Script and the shared repo to every server in your cluster.



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