aggregation ?

Hi all,

I'm having an issue with aggregation and i've not been able to find a good answer.
I have a dataset that is made up off a number of collection of records. Something like

id   groupid  value   updatedOn   
1    1             xx        19/01/2021 10:00
2    1             xx        19/01/2021 10:00
3    1             xx        19/01/2021 10:00

4    2             xx        10/01/2021 10:00
5    2           xx        10/01/2021 10:00
6    2             xx        01/01/2021 10:00

7    2             xx        01/02/2021 10:00
8    3             xx        01/02/2021 10:00
9    4             xx        01/02/2021 10:00

I need to display the total responses grouped by the groupid each month, and display in a line graph.

something like
Month  GroupCount
Jan        2
Feb      1

I was thinking aggregation but im not having much luck

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  • To display the total responses grouped by the groupid each month in a line graph, you will need to perform some aggregation on your dataset.

    Here are the general steps you can follow to achieve this:

    1. Group the records by the "groupid" and "month" fields. This will give you a collection of records that have the same groupid and month.

    2. Use the aggregate function (e.g. $sum, $count) to calculate the total number of responses for each groupid and month.

    3. Sort the data by the "month" field in ascending order.

    4. Plot the data on a line graph, with the "month" field on the x-axis and the total number of responses on the y-axis. Use different colors or labels for each groupid.

    For example, if you are using MongoDB, you can use the following pipeline to aggregate the data:

    db.collection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { groupid: "$groupid", month: "$month" }, totalResponses: { $sum: "$responses" } } }, { $sort: { _id.month: 1 } } ])

    This pipeline groups the data by "groupid" and "month", calculates the total number of responses for each group and month, and sorts the data by the month in ascending order.

    You can then take this aggregated data and use it to plot the line graph in your preferred front-end library like D3.js, Chart.js, Highcharts, etc. Please note that the above code is just an example, you may need to adapt it to your specific data structure.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

  • To display the total responses grouped by the groupid each month in a line graph, you will need to perform some aggregation on your dataset.

    Here are the general steps you can follow to achieve this:

    1. Group the records by the "groupid" and "month" fields. This will give you a collection of records that have the same groupid and month.

    2. Use the aggregate function (e.g. $sum, $count) to calculate the total number of responses for each groupid and month.

    3. Sort the data by the "month" field in ascending order.

    4. Plot the data on a line graph, with the "month" field on the x-axis and the total number of responses on the y-axis. Use different colors or labels for each groupid.

    For example, if you are using MongoDB, you can use the following pipeline to aggregate the data:

    db.collection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { groupid: "$groupid", month: "$month" }, totalResponses: { $sum: "$responses" } } }, { $sort: { _id.month: 1 } } ])

    This pipeline groups the data by "groupid" and "month", calculates the total number of responses for each group and month, and sorts the data by the month in ascending order.

    You can then take this aggregated data and use it to plot the line graph in your preferred front-end library like D3.js, Chart.js, Highcharts, etc. Please note that the above code is just an example, you may need to adapt it to your specific data structure.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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