Max compression size exceeded

Certified Senior Developer

Hi Everyone,

We have one functionality as we are validating the data in excel and load the data into db.

I uploaded file with 1500 rows and 129 columns each row will have, I am getting below error when i try to upload 1500.  

The System Has encountered an error, An error occured while processing your request.

 but when i found in server log below is the one,Can anyone of you please mention what is the below error stating? which size it is mentioning as 200,000,00?

APNX-1-4532-000,"Expression evaluation error: Max compression size exceeded. Max size=200,000,000, actual size=257,715,470",,0000e69f-7bc4-8000-9844-3d4d983d4d98,,,,SITES

Thanks in Advance!!

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