How to create a filter to get data by day and month?

Certified Associate Developer

Hello. I currently have a database table with thousands of news from different dates. I would like to create a query that brings me the news by days and by month, but not by year. For example, the news of July 4 from different years. Thank you for your help.

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  • Although others gave suggestions for doing this in the database, I would suggest using syced records and custom record fields to achieve this instead. If you enable data sync, you could create a custom field that returns the month and day, something like this: 

    datetext(ri!date, "MMMM d")

    Then, you can use that in queries. For instance, you could aggregate on that custom field to find the count of news by each day + month.

  • Although others gave suggestions for doing this in the database, I would suggest using syced records and custom record fields to achieve this instead. If you enable data sync, you could create a custom field that returns the month and day, something like this: 

    datetext(ri!date, "MMMM d")

    Then, you can use that in queries. For instance, you could aggregate on that custom field to find the count of news by each day + month.

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