#documents#tokens# I have a token I'm passing into a document that I'm h

#documents#tokens# I have a token I'm passing into a document that I'm having trouble mapping data to. The first time the document generates, I pass the token back into the token, "###token###". I update this token at a later point in the process. At this point, the word document has been converted to a PDF, and I notice the token is in red-letter text. When the process reaches the point to pass data into the token, the token still remains and no data is mapped. Also, when the PDF is converted a second time, the token text color remains RED in the PDF. The token remains black in the Word Doc.

Attaching the PDF and doc file and the original template.

There's also another value that is turning RED after initial PDF conversion. The data for that maps fine - "Possible Counterfeit Product". I'm assuminng it's a related issue where the format of the token is being changed. However, the only point where this would happen is when I originally pass the tok...

0276.14 General PSA Report-2.pdf



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