Hi All, I have one html form outside of Appian containing three text values

Hi All,
I have one html form outside of Appian containing three text values and one submit button.
Is it possible to trigger an Appian process on submit of html form?
Triggered process should capture all three filed values as well.




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  • You cannot skip authentication out of the box. Per the documentation:

    "stateless servlets must always be mapped to the URL pattern /plugins/servlet/stateless/* and are authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication on each request. This means that your stateless servlet code must never access or create a session, or else a separate session will be created for each request."

    The unsecured paths are configured in spring-security-02-unsecured.xml located under ear\\suite.ear\\web.war\\WEB-INF\\conf\\security\\ but since allowing unauthenticated actions can be a security risk I don't recommend white-listing your servlet, you want to make sure you know the request to trigger the process come from an authenticated user otherwise your environment could be easily be flooded with processes from unauthorized people.
  • You cannot skip authentication out of the box. Per the documentation:

    "stateless servlets must always be mapped to the URL pattern /plugins/servlet/stateless/* and are authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication on each request. This means that your stateless servlet code must never access or create a session, or else a separate session will be created for each request."

    The unsecured paths are configured in spring-security-02-unsecured.xml located under ear\\suite.ear\\web.war\\WEB-INF\\conf\\security\\ but since allowing unauthenticated actions can be a security risk I don't recommend white-listing your servlet, you want to make sure you know the request to trigger the process come from an authenticated user otherwise your environment could be easily be flooded with processes from unauthorized people.
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