Hi All, I have one html form outside of Appian containing three text values

Hi All,
I have one html form outside of Appian containing three text values and one submit button.
Is it possible to trigger an Appian process on submit of html form?
Triggered process should capture all three filed values as well.




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  • Hi, I am able to get all values in correct order but the solution which I did is not generic. I am setting all values in the same order as they are appearing in the process model. but suppose tomorrow if am adding any new PVs in process model then order will change and in this case again I will get the same problem. to resolve this I tried to set values by using for(ProcessVariable prv : prvs){
                                                                prv.setValue(devAppNumber); else if so on But found that it's always executing else condition and not able to achieve the exact requirement . Can you please point out the gap?
  • Hi, I am able to get all values in correct order but the solution which I did is not generic. I am setting all values in the same order as they are appearing in the process model. but suppose tomorrow if am adding any new PVs in process model then order will change and in this case again I will get the same problem. to resolve this I tried to set values by using for(ProcessVariable prv : prvs){
                                                                prv.setValue(devAppNumber); else if so on But found that it's always executing else condition and not able to achieve the exact requirement . Can you please point out the gap?
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