Hi, We have undertaken a project which aims to replace paper forms. T


We have undertaken a project which aims to replace paper forms. There are 6 Account Types in total and each account type has about 15-20 paper forms. So, there are 100+ paper forms in use. We would have to design Appian forms for each of these paper forms. How does the idea of creating a separate CDT for each of these forms sound? This would result in we declaring 100+ variables (1 variable for each CDT) in our top-level process model.
What kind of problems should we expect? Anyone has a better solution to suggest?...



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  • Sathya, The approach we have taken is along the same lines. We have one form all types of accounts and the SAIL code for rendering each type of account is driven by rules(based on account type). However, because there are lots of account types, our main process model will still need to hold 100+ CDT's since reporting is driven from that. Will there be any performance issues due to this approach or is it a proven one?
  • Sathya, The approach we have taken is along the same lines. We have one form all types of accounts and the SAIL code for rendering each type of account is driven by rules(based on account type). However, because there are lots of account types, our main process model will still need to hold 100+ CDT's since reporting is driven from that. Will there be any performance issues due to this approach or is it a proven one?
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