Extract Function

Certified Associate Developer

Hi All I have requirement to get the values between  square brackets iam achieving it with the help of  extract function but when i was trying to insert the brackets after entering value and if my text value has uneven number of brackets it is erroring out


can you suggest is their any other alternate way to achieve this 

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  • Yeah, I'm not convinced...a true parser would ensure that every opening "[" had a corresponding "]". The "parser" above just ensures there's an even number, which isn't the same. Open to suggestions how to achieve a true parser here...?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Stewart Burchell
    Open to suggestions how to achieve a true parser here...?

    It's hard to say, really - there are too many unanswered questions about what the source data might be, and those things are required in order to form the initial assumptions behind a robust parser.  Without wasting the time actually trying, i'd guess it might be easier to make an exact one using regEx matching, though checking for potentially unlimited repeats can get pretty frustrating there.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stewart Burchell

    local!datacontent: fn!char(
    local!sum: a!forEach(
    items: local!datacontent,
    expression: a!match(
    value: fv!item,
    equals: "[",
    then: 1,
    equals: "]",
    then: - 1,
    default: 0

    local!totalSum: fn!sum(local!sum),
    local!statusCode: if(local!totalSum = 0, 1, 0),
    local!result: union(
    local!totalSum = 0,
    local!statusCode = 1,
    "Number of open square brackets and close square brackets must be equal"
    items: local!result,
    expression: find("[", fv!item)
    "No square brackets is allowed between [ and ]",
    )   in addition to your solution just added  find("[", fv!item) this to validation to prevent "[" in between open and close square brackets Thanks Stewart and Mike for you time and suggestion