Calculate Business hours & Minutes between two date & Time

Certified Lead Developer

Hi Team,

Looking for a function which can provide hours and minute difference between two date and time considering business calendar.

calworkhours() only provide hours plus it rounds off it to nearest hour.

Looking for below calculation :

Start Time : 20/04/2023 10:00 AM

End Time : 24/04/2023 11:30 AM

Output -  hours : 17 , minutes 30

Calworkhours output - hours : 18

  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • OOTB calendar functions seems to be missing a function that calculate work minutes between two datetimes.

    You can use the free Calendar function plugin available in Appmarket and use the below expression.

      local!minutes: calworkminutesplugin(ri!startTime, ri!endTime),
        hours: quotient(local!minutes, 60),
        minutes: mod(local!minutes, 60)

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Hi please refer to the below code, without plugin

      local!startdate: datetime(2023, 4, 20, 10, 0, 0),
      local!enddate: datetime(2023, 4, 24, 11, 30, 0),
      local!workday: calworkdays(local!startdate, local!enddate),
      local!HoursofStartdate: hour(local!startdate),
      local!Hoursofenddate: hour(local!enddate),
      local!MinutesofStartdate: minute(local!startdate),
      local!Minutesofenddate: minute(local!enddate),
      local!UpdateHoursofStartdate: if(
        local!HoursofStartdate >= 9,
        local!HoursofStartdate - 9,
        5 - local!HoursofStartdate
      local!daycount: if(
        local!MinutesofStartdate = 0,
          local!HoursofStartdate >= 9,
          local!UpdateHoursofStartdate + 1,
          local!UpdateHoursofStartdate - 1
      local!firstdaycount: if(
        local!HoursofStartdate >= 9,
        8 - local!daycount,
      local!Mcount: if(
        local!MinutesofStartdate = 0,
        60 - local!MinutesofStartdate
      local!lastdayCountcount2: local!Hoursofenddate - 9,
      local!x: local!Minutesofenddate + local!Mcount,
      local!y: if(local!x > 59, mod(local!x, 60), local!x),
      local!total1: if(
        local!x > 59,
        local!lastdayCountcount2 + local!firstdaycount + 1,
        local!lastdayCountcount2 + local!firstdaycount
      local!total: a!forEach(
        items: enumerate(local!workday - 2) + 1,
        expression: local!total1 + 8 * fv!index
      local!res: local!total[local!workday - 2] & "Hour " & local!y & "minute",

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to ritikv9840

    Salute to the effort you have put in.

    I don't even have courage to understand this.