Certified Associate Developer exam

Hi all. I took the exam and failed. I scored really low on SDLC information, expressions rules and process models. Where should I go to further study those three concepts? Specifically, I had a hard time knowing which Appian function to use in an expression. Thank you. 

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    Certified Lead Developer

    When I was new (a long time ago now) I would spend a little bit of my free time just figuring out how to get expression rules to do what I wanted them to do - or sometimes, seeing someone ask a question here and seeing if I could build my own solution to it.  I'd just keep a browser tab open to the Appian Functions documentation page and flip through, figuring out ways in which I'd use a particular function, and/or trying one in an expression rule and making sure I understand what it does and how it works.

    And as always I should point out: make sure you've completed the available online trainings Appian offers - they cover a lot of this stuff, if a little bit briefly from what I've seen.  From there, you should try creating your own small test sites / applications / actions, just to make sure you know how to.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    When I was new (a long time ago now) I would spend a little bit of my free time just figuring out how to get expression rules to do what I wanted them to do - or sometimes, seeing someone ask a question here and seeing if I could build my own solution to it.  I'd just keep a browser tab open to the Appian Functions documentation page and flip through, figuring out ways in which I'd use a particular function, and/or trying one in an expression rule and making sure I understand what it does and how it works.

    And as always I should point out: make sure you've completed the available online trainings Appian offers - they cover a lot of this stuff, if a little bit briefly from what I've seen.  From there, you should try creating your own small test sites / applications / actions, just to make sure you know how to.

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