Export to EXCEL Smart Service , Format of the Excel columns

Hi All,

We have a requirement that the the excel exported via the excel export smart service is having all the columns in non expanded format due to which they cannot see the data without expanding the columns size. 

Is there a way to send excel in such a format that if some column have huge data then it is automatically expanded on opening without manually clicking and opening it.



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  • You can achieve this by creating a predefined empty template in which you will allow desired or all columns to Wrap Text when data is huge. Then create a copy of this template in PM (using Copy document SS) and use this in Document to Update input parameter of Export DSE to Excel SS.

    Unfortunately there is still no OOTB way to create a new document when provided a template and hence we need to copy the template first in order to use it further.

  • You can achieve this by creating a predefined empty template in which you will allow desired or all columns to Wrap Text when data is huge. Then create a copy of this template in PM (using Copy document SS) and use this in Document to Update input parameter of Export DSE to Excel SS.

    Unfortunately there is still no OOTB way to create a new document when provided a template and hence we need to copy the template first in order to use it further.

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