Real time Implementation for Docusign

Certified Lead Developer
  • We are sending 3 Documents for Customer for DocuSign using connected System.
  • Requirement is hold the process After DocuSign Mail has sent to Customer and resume after the DocuSign completed by customer.(Real time implementation)
  • once the user completes the Signature ,  we want to get response from DocuSign to Appian mentioning event completed until this response get from DocuSign to Appian the Flow will be paused. whenever the response hits the Appian then the Process has to be Resumed and  flow will be continued.

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    Certified Lead Developer

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    We are using DocuSign Connected System for Sending Envelope. as of now we are are getting the Status of the Envelope Using Envelope id and  Pooling this Status check  for every 2mins,when ever the status of the Envelope is Completed . the flow continues and save the Documents.

    But we are asked to Implement in Such a way that when the DocuSign Mail has sent to customer the flow has to Stop. and resume After their completion of Signing the Documents.

    We are thinking to get notification from DocuSign Integration where we can provide URL of Appian and get response from DocuSign to  Appian. as we are new to this we don't know how to Implement. is there any other way to Achieve this requirement.